
Current development status of GRG industry

Publish: 2021-08-19 09:51:52 Update: 2021-08-19 09:57:38 View: 1121
Domestic GRG has developed rapidly
Those who have paid attention to the building materials industry will find that in recent years, words such as GRG, GRG materials and GRG ceiling seem to have become more and more popular in the building materials market. Even on the Internet, the GRG industry has become more and more lively. Think about the search for GRG manufacturers on the Internet a few years ago, there are basically few GRG manufacturers, but now when you search Baidu, you can casually come up with more than ten or even dozens of pages of results. What a big change, which also reflects the current popularity of the GRG industry in China. Of course, this is also an inevitable trend.
GRG is made by ɑ Gypsum composition, ɑ Compared with ordinary gypsum materials, gypsum has great advantages in compression, tension, molding and so on ɑ Gypsum is far better than ordinary gypsum materials, which creates the excellence of GRG, and GRG's own environmental protection and fire prevention make GRG more favored by the construction industry.
Domestic GRG still needs efforts
If the domestic GRG industry is compared with the foreign GRG industry, the domestic GRG still has a certain development space. Most grgs made in China are not as good as foreign GRG processes in terms of technology, so foreign grgs are naturally better in terms of quality. Moreover, in terms of installation, domestic methods also need to be learned. The installation methods of some domestic GRG manufacturers are not simple enough, low-carbon and energy saving, while foreign GRG manufacturers pursue simple and low-carbon technology. Therefore, the domestic GRG industry has a long way to go and needs some time to learn and develop.
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